How to Create a Gang Sheet in Canva

Upload your designs to Canva

  1. You can drag and drop Files from your computer or Select “Upload files”
  2. Select the image from your “uploads”, the image will be placed onto your design space
  3. Resize the image size by selecting the image and using the arrow to make bigger or smaller
    • It is important to measure out the space that the image will be pressed on
  4. Fill out the sheet with the images
  5. Download the image
    1. Select “share” 
    2. Select “Download”
    3. Select “Transparent Background” 
How To Create a Gang Sheet in Canva 
  1. Log into Canva
  2. Select “Create a Design” on the upper right hand corner
  3. Enter Custom Dimensions
  4. Update from “PX” (pixels) to “IN” (inches)
  5. Enter the Dimensions of your Gang Sheet
    • Fro Example if you gang sheet is 22x30 Enter those Dimensions now
    • Canva at the moment has the ability to go up to 80 inches
  6. Once Dimensions are entered, select “Create New Design”
  7. Canva Opens a new tab with your design
  8. Give your design name 
  9. Drag and Drop your designs to the Canvas and size accordingly
  10. You can resize the image size by selecting the image and using the arrow to make bigger or smaller
    • It is important to measure out the space that the image will be pressed on
  11. Fill out the sheet with the images
  12. Download the image
  13. Select “share”
  14. Select “Download”
  15. Make Sure "PNG" is selected
  16. Select “Transparent Background” 
    • Note: You will need to have a Premium Canva Account to use this feature